The story begins with a fair called Gaiety Land in Malgudi. Different store owners have arrived from all across Madras . The entrance fee to the store is two annas. There are shooting ranges, lotteries, performing parrots, and the looping loop in the Dome of Doom. Numerous prizes including cameras, sewing machines, and pin cushions are given. The narrator’s ticket with the number 1005 wins a road engine. The owner of Gaiety Land agrees to keep the road engine until the fair ends. Later the Municipality asked him to move it or pay rent of Rs.10 per month. He paid Rs.30 by keeping his wife’s jewels in pledge. To solve the problem, the narrator tries to sell the road engine to various people, including the cosmopolitan club's secretary and the municipal chairman but faces rejection. As a cattle show is being organized on the Gymkhana Ground, he hires Joseph who was fired t...