Thursday, July 15, 2021

Life Cycle

Where there is...

Where there is Money,
        there will be Power;
Where there is Power,
        there will be Autonomy;

Where there is Autonomy,
         there will be Politics;
Where there is Politics,
         there will be Exclusion;

Where there is Exclusion,
          there will be Injustice;
Where there is Injustice,
          there will be Protests;

Where there is Protest,
          there will be Violence;
Where there is Violence,
          there will be Autocracy;

Where there is Autocracy,
          there will be Hegemony;
Where there is Hegemony,
          there will be Slavery;

Where there is Slavery,
          there will be Crime;
Where there is Crime,
          there will be Immorality;

Where there is Immorality,
          there will be Disorder;
Where there is Disorder,
          there will be Stress;


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