Saturday, September 4, 2021

Silence!! if Expressed!!

 The Sound of Silence

Eruption of unspoken thoughts

heard by heart

screamed inside

louder than words.


Roars of mind,

humming of brain, and

vibration of soul

assassinate words.


Utterances sans words

loudest of all thunderclaps -

Hush! Hush!

Whispers of Nostalgia!


Feeble cry of fluttering heart

can you hear?

It is a language

for heart to heart.


Find its meaning -

Blissful quietness

offering solace to soul

called peace within.


It’s as mute as a dumb flute

playing voiceless melodies

breaking the sigh of breathing breeze

filling the void with desolate rhythms.


Decipher that silence -

a grave threat,

a deadly weapon,

a mortal curse.


Reply of zipped lips

unlocking doors of solitude

with zero reaction as



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