Thursday, April 13, 2023

A poem on the 60 years of glory of my Alma mater

 Seed of Wisdom

Under Thy shade of extensive knowledge,

sprouts a tiny seed of wisdom;

hiding an invisible orchard inside

germinates a seedling of thoughts.


Around Thy soil berm of erudition,

grows a sapling of intellect;

grafting a scion onto a rootstock

extends its roots radiating scholarship.


With Thy golden flare of values,

branches a stem of discipline;

emerging from a shoot of ethics

feeds the hungry minds with truth.


Beneath Thy shower of skills

blooms a vernal bud of elegance;

spreading the fragrance of dexterity

transports competent pollens to rural society.


Oh Goddess Saraswathi!

At this temple of education,

May the fruit of enlightenment ripens into

A Woman of Self-Reliance.


May my Alma Mater strengthen its

Millions of aerial roots supporting

the Empowerment of Women

throughout its glorious history! 

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