Sunday, July 23, 2023

"A Patch of Land" - Subramanya Bharathiar

                     "A Patch of Land" - Subramanya Bharathiar

"A Patch of Land" is a patriotic poem written by Subramanya Bharathiar, a Tamil Poet. He insists on the importance of self-content life in India. The poem describes how the land is the source of life and prosperity, providing food, shelter, and livelihoods for people. It implies that a free mind in independent India is the only wish, the poet wants in the pre-independent era.

Bharathiar asks Goddess Parasakthi for a patch lot of land, which is approximately one acre (thirty-two cents) to build a house there. It should have decorated pillars and balcanies painted in pure white colour. There should also be a well with drinking water. Then he wishes to have coconut trees that provide fresh water and shade. At night, moonlight has to gleam like a pearl. Next, the sweet song of the cuckoo should please him. The pleasant breeze blowing there could add pleasure to his soul.   

              Bharathiar prays for a young wife who could share all these with him. He should be
 blessed with poetry to write about their happy moments. He calls the Goddess to protect them 
in that open land. Thus the poet requests for a great place to write his poetry. Finally, he 
prays that his poetry should administer justice to the world.

               This poem reveals Bharatiyar's love for Parashakti, his longingness for living close to nature and his desire to defend the world with his poems. 

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