Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Glory has Departed - Jawaharlal Nehru's Speech on the death of Gandhiji

     Nehru expresses great sorrow and shame that an Indian and a Hindu raised his hand against “ the greatest Indian of the day and the greatest Hindu of the age.” The whole world has paid its tribute to Gandhiji and we cannot add to that with our empty words of praise. As the children of his spirit, We have to do more than just talk. Gandhiji is the Sun that has warmed and brightened our lives. Now the sun has set, and we shiver in the cold and the dark. As a man of divine fire, Gandhiji has given each Indian a small spark. Though he is no more today, he lives in the hearts of millions, and he will continue to live for immemorial ages.

    According to Nehru, each Indian should feel humble for failing to protect Gandhiji. Mere words of praise are useless when Gandhiji himself demanded a life of labour and sacrifice. He loved the Indians as his own children, and he was grieved when they went away from the path shown by him. Ultimately one of his children, an Indian, struck him down. Nehru hopes that in the midst of the encircling gloom, the flames lightened by Gandhiji in each Indian’s heart can still illumine the land. Gandhiji is the symbol of the India of the past and the India of the future. According to Nehru, We stand on the dangerous edge of the present between the past and the future. The greatest danger is the lack of faith that comes to us when we find great talk and little achievement. We mourn Gandhiji because we cannot forget our beloved master. Yet Gandhiji would not like us to mourn him. Hence, we should dedicate ourselves to his great task, to oppose and root out evil wherever we see it.
      As the Head of the Government of India, Nehru promises that his Government will take every effective step to stop violence and hatred. Only by doing this, the Indians may prove themselves to be worthy followers of Gandhiji. Though there is a feeling of loneliness and depression in Gandhiji's absence, Nehru feels that they should be proud and thankful to be associated with the mighty man, Gandhiji. People coming in the future may consider them as a highly privileged class for their association with Gandhiji. Nehru advises the Indians to be worthy followers of Gandhiji.

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