Wednesday, July 3, 2024

David Roth - Nine Gold Medals

 David Roth - Nine Gold Medals 

The athletes had come from all over the country

To run for the gold, for the silver and bronze

Many weeks and months of training

All coming down to these games.

The spectators gathered around the old field

To cheer on all the young women and men

The final event of the day was approaching

Excitement grew high to begin.

The blocks were all lined up for those who would use them

The hundred-yard dash and the race to be run

These were nine resolved athletes in back of the starting line

Poised for the sound of the gun.

The signal was given, the pistol exploded

And so did the runners all charging ahead

But the smallest among them, he stumbled and staggered

And fell to the asphalt instead.

He gave out a cry in frustration and anguish

His dreams and his efforts all dashed in the dirt

But as sure as I’m standing here telling this story

The same goes for what next occurred.

The eight other runners pulled up on their heels

The ones who had trained for so long to compete

One by one they all turned around and went back to help him

And brought the young boy to his feet.

Then all the nine runners joined hands and continued

The hundred-yard dash now reduced to a walk

And a banner above that said (Special Olympics)

Could not have been more on the mark.

That’s how the race ended, with nine gold medals

They came to the finish line holding hands still

And a standing ovation and nine beaming faces

Said more than these words ever will.

About the author

David Roth is an American singer-songwriter and poet known for his touching and inspirational works. Born on December 12, 1954, Roth's music and poetry often explore themes of compassion, humanity, and social justice. He has a unique talent for storytelling through his songs and poems, using simple yet profound language to convey powerful messages.


"Nine Gold Medals" is a poignant and inspirational poem by David Roth that tells the story of a special moment during a Special Olympics event. The poem describes a race where nine differently-abled athletes are competing for the gold medal. As the race begins, one of the runners stumbles and falls, disheartening him and causing him to cry.

In a heartwarming turn of events, the other eight athletes notice their fellow competitor in distress. Instead of continuing to race for personal glory, they make an extraordinary decision: they turn back, help the fallen runner to his feet, and all nine of them walk to the finish line together, hand in hand. This act of compassion and solidarity leads to a collective victory, where each athlete is awarded a gold medal. The poem captures the essence of true sportsmanship, highlighting the values of empathy, unity, and the triumph of the human spirit over the mere pursuit of winning.

Explain with Reference to Context

1. The eight other runners pulled up on their heels

The ones who had trained for so long to compete

One by one they all turned around and went back to help him

And brought the young boy to his feet.


These lines are taken from David Roth's poem "Nine Gold Medals” which tells the story of a Special Olympics event where nine differently-abled athletes, each with their own challenges, compete in a race. These lines describe the immediate reaction of the other competitors upon seeing their fellow runner fall. Despite being in the midst of a highly competitive race, they abruptly stop.


The athletes have invested significant time and energy in their training, with the goal of competing and possibly winning a medal. Rather than continuing the race and striving for individual success, each runner makes a conscious decision to turn back and assist the fallen boy. They physically help the fallen runner to stand up, demonstrating their support and care. This act of kindness is a powerful moment in the poem, symbolizing the triumph of humanity and solidarity over the competitive spirit.

1.     That’s how the race ended, with nine gold medals

      They came to the finish line holding hands still


These lines taken from David Roth's poem "Nine Gold Medals” which encapsulate the deeply moving conclusion of the race. Nine athletes, each facing their own physical challenges, eagerly begin the race they have trained for. However, one runner falls early in the race, and the others, rather than seizing the opportunity to win, choose to stop and help him. This act of compassion transforms the nature of the competition.


Instead of there being a single winner, the race concludes with an extraordinary and symbolic gesture: all nine athletes are awarded gold medals which honours their display of empathy, helpful nature and human values. This outcome is significant because it celebrates the spirit of unity and mutual support over individual triumph. The act of holding hands underscores that the real victory was in their collective humanity and solidarity.


1. Examine how compassion plays a crucial role in the poem.

2. Discuss the symbolism of the nine gold medals at the end of the race.


1. Analyse how "Nine Gold Medals" portrays the themes of empathy and solidarity.

2. Discuss how the poem challenges traditional notions of competition and success.

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